“Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott
“Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge
“Bring Out the Best in our Wife” by H. Norman Wright
“Love and War” by John and Staci Eldredge
“For Women Only” by Shaunti Feldhahn
“For Men Only” by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn
“Love and Respect” by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
“Love and Respect: In the Family” by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
“Love Busters” by Dr. Willard F. Harley
“His Needs, Her Needs” by Dr. Willard F. Harley
“Boundries in Marriage” by Henry Cloud
“The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman